The cart is made of good quality plastic and fits perfectly into the console. Some of the freebies are sort of non-essential, however nice to receive. This all makes a quite a nice package with free accessories. But the contents of the package will definitely please you, because the package includes R4 DS cart, replacement shell, small size CD-ROM (with installation instructions available in English and Chinese + five firmwares with different skins), Micro SD USB card reader, Dual DS card case. First impression of package is not so good as today the flash kits are sold in tin or wooden boxes, such as CycloDS. R4DS is delivered in a white cardboard box wrapped in another box.

Just drag and drop whatever you want onto your MicroSD card, place it in the R4DS and here you go. What is good about the R4 DS – you can run homebrew and ROMs, listen to music, watch videos etc.

Maybe they have been operating under other name previously but not to my knowledge. It is a new product made by a previously unknown team. The R4DS is basically another slot 1 flash kit for homebrew and game backups (aka NDS ROMs). R4DS Flash card adapter for NDS roms / DS Lite