Students who hae graduated from senior high school may attend to uniersity or academy. he last leel of education in our country is tertiary education. he students at S6A are !re!ared to adance to tertiary education or uniersity" while students of S6 as a ocational school are !re!ared to be ready to work after finishing their school without going to uniersity college. S6A is different with S6 in their studies.

In Indonesia" this school is basically diided into two kinds( S6A +Sekolah 6enengah Atas, and S6 +Sekolah 6enengah e&uruan.

After three years of schooling and graduation" students may moe on to Senior 8igh School. After graduating from elementary school" students attend 6iddle School or 7unior 8igh School +Sekolah 6enengah Pertama, for three years from the age of 29'2. Some schools offer an accelerated learning !rogram" where students who !erform well can finish elementary school in fie years. and Australia" students must study for si* years to com!lete this leel. his leel of education is com!ulsory for all Indonesian citi/ens. 0hildren ages 123 attend !rimary education at Elementary School or Sekolah 4asar. But this education is not com!ulsory for Indonesian citi/ens" as the aim of this is &ust to !re!are them for !rimary school. Before entering !rimary or elementary school" children in our country usually hae attended kindergarten" or known as -aman anak'kanak. #adies and $entlemen% As I hae hae stated !reious !reiously" ly" formal education education inoles inoles three leels( leels( !rimary" !rimary" seconda secondary ry and tertiary education. Both formal and non'formal education aim at establishing the education !rocess in our country. An e*am!le of non'formal education is P#S +Pendidikan #uar Sekolah. While non'formal education is carried out for the learners who get difficulties to meet the re)uirements in formal education. A formal education is diided into three leels( !rimary" secondary and tertiary education. #adies and $entlemen% It is a great honor for me to stand here and gie a brief s!eech entitled Formal Education in Indonesia Brothers and Sisters% Education system in our country is diided into two ma&or !arts" they are formal and non'formal. First of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher and all my friend who has gien mee nice o!!ortunity s!eech on this day" about Formal Education in Indonesia. Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Pendidikan 0Įducation System in Indonesia Assalamualaikum Assalamu alaikum Wr.Wb.